
Dawei Yin
is Senior Director of Engineering at Baidu inc.. He is managing the search science team at Baidu, leading Baidu’s science efforts of web search, retrieval-augmented generation, agents, video search, image search, news search etc.. Previously, he was Senior Director, managing the recommendation engineering team at JD.com between 2016 and 2020. Prior to JD.com, he was Senior Research Manager at Yahoo Labs, leading relevance science team and in charge of Core Search Relevance of Yahoo Search. He obtained Ph.D. (2013), M.S. (2010) from Lehigh University and B.S. (2006) from Shandong University. His research interests include data mining, applied machine learning, information retrieval and recommender system. He serves as conference organizers (e.g., KDD, SIGIR, WSDM) and journal editors (e.g., FnTIR). He published research papers in premium conferences and journals, and was the recipient of  8 Best Paper Awards (or runner-ups), including KDD, WSDM, ICDM Best Paper Awards. 

Baidu’s Search Science Team is hiring, please drop me a message yindawei [at] acm.org, if interested.


2024-07-16 Dawei gave an invited talk “When Search Engine Meets LLMs” at SIGIR 2024 LLM Day.

2024-06-19 Dawei gave an invited talk “When Search Engine Meets LLMs” at China Conference on Large Models.

2023-12-09 Dawei received EMNLP 2023 Outstanding Paper Award for the paper entitled “Is ChatGPT Good at Search? Investigating Large Language Models as Re-Ranking Agents”.

2023-12-03 Dawei received IEEE ICDM Best Student Paper Award for the paper entitled “MPGraf: a Modular and Pre-trained Graphformer for Learning to Rank at Web-scale”.

2023-11-28 Dawei received ACM SIGIR-AP Best Paper Honorable Mention for the paper entitled “Sequential Recommendation with User Evolving Preference Decomposition”.

2023-10-19 Dawei received IEEE DSAA 2023 Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “GS2P: A Generative Pre-trained Learning to Rank Model with Over-parameterization for Web-Scale Search”.

2022-06-08 Dawei was invited to join Editorial Board of Foundations and Trends@ in Information Retrieval.

2021-12-17 Dawei is serving as the Topic Editor for the Research Topic on Industrial Recommender Systems, Journal of Frontiers in Big Data.

2021-06-21 Two works about pertrained language model in Baidu search will appear at KDD 2021.

2020-07-19 Dawei was invited to serve as Senior Program Committee at The Web Conference 2021 (WWW 2021).




  • Social Media 
  • Email:yindawei at acm.org